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Learning and training projects take a variety of forms. From initial design documents to learning modules. Learning products can be simple job aids or full training packages. The projects section is a place to explore more instructional design work. This page provides an overview of varying training projects I have worked on. You can find specific artifacts of my work in the corresponding tabs. Check out the short design page and full training package sections: In-Person Training and Online Training to view my work. You can find further information regarding project standards alignment at the bottom of the page

Training Planning/Assessment 

My design documents start with an assessment of the training need and defining the purpose of the learning or training. I also use learner assessments to clearly define who the training is designed for. 

Training Ad-ons

This area covers a variety of training tools including job aids, PDFs, infographics, or simple games. These areas of design can be great tools for employees both during and post-training to add a training package. 

 Program Evaluations

Program evaluations focus on created learning programs. Summative evaluations evaluate the effectiveness of a training program to defined company goals. Evaluations focus on the employees' learning experience and the ability of the training to meet stakeholder goals. 


Storyboarding is an option when designing formal training packages. I use storyboards to plan the design of audio scripts, visual designs, navigation/direction planning, and developer notes. 

Training Modules 

Full training modules follow a structure of creating learning objectives, designing learning strategies to match learning goals, and developing a full training course (both in person or online training). These are completed trainings that learners can walk through to meet a designated learning need. 

Learning Assessments

Each module comes with varying ways to assess the learner to the learning needs/goals. Assessments help to verify that employees are walking away with the desired skills and knowledge. 

AECT Standard Alignment 

As a member of AECT, I use their standards of design consistently in my larger training modules. AECT standards include: 

1. Design: having the knowledge and skills to use research and theories to design, instructional strategies and learner characteristics.

2. Development: Ability to develop a variety of instructional materials using principles and theories. 

3. Utilization: Ability to use research and principles for use, diffusion or implementation of learning. 

4. Management: Ability to plan and manage design projects and resources

5. Evaluation: Ability to use research and theories to evaluate instructional design programs and materials. 

(IDT Portfolio, n.d.) 


These standards ensure artifact alignment with industry standards. The Full Training Package section shows how each artifact aligns with these standards. 


For further information on AECT's standards, please click the buttons below. 


Interface Designer in the Office

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